I Think I Got This Working

Jun 26, 2016

I think I may have gotten this site working pretty much just in time to mess it up some more.

Ok, when I set this up, there was some DNS weirdness resultign from hover.com doing a stealth redirection that put the site in an iframe. That is nerdtalk for why no one could see an actual URL on any of these pages, which made linking to articles a bit of a bear.

I think it’s fixed. I stumbled my way through enough route53 (where AWS keeps their DNS) to theoretiecally to move the name to Amazon and make it behave nicely without showing the guts of the AWS URL (which is long and ugly).

All in all, this remains a fun experiment. The S3 component is running me pennies a month, but we’ll see what Route53 does to my bill.
